Wednesday, November 13, 2013

\\Introduction\ Part II: About me and why are you reading this?

Bone under microscope. Looks like a sponge, right?

I am shy person, and to be honest, there is no one on this earth, whom I could tell everything. None of us have such person, when you are not a teen anymore. To be honest, you need a person or a place to yell everything out. Sometimes I feel like a sponge, full of dirt and water, just anticipating to let everything out, either clean soap or poisonous dirt.

And I do it from time to time, but we are highly competing species, and we tend to make fun of, destroy or manipulate people who trust us with their secrets, so I decided that I don't want to moan about my problems to girlfriend or buddies,
and don't share my top secret projects with backstabbers.
So congratulations! You have found a place, where you will read brutally honest and exclusive thoughts of one out of 7 billion! Not even wise or rich one!

So, before I begin my resume, I have to say, that before I have started this blog, I knew I have to keep it under fake persona. My uncle looks like Woody Allen (I am not from jewish family) and I really appreciate  tons of humor in his movies, especially - Zelig - my favourite one, so I took my real name and added this idea of someone, who tries to hide his identity in order to save himself.

My name is Saul. Actually it is Saulius, and it has two different meanings, because in Lithuanian it sounds same as:
Saul - jewish name for king of the Jews before David came.
Saul(-ius) - lithuanian name meaning Sun (in masculine form)

Actually its awesome name - Sun! Just think how egoistic it sounds - the centre of universe! The source of light, warmth and light! Of course it  comes with huge dissappointment If you fail to be the greatest, but since you have excuses for being on your way to top it boosts your self esteem!

I am 23 years old, and according to lithuanian(perhaps all ex-soviet countries) traditions - I am supposed to be completely mature physically, mentally and financially. I am the age, when my father had me, and he owned a house (given to him by state) and decent job he worked ever since. I hate this idea of growing too early and while it might work in previous regime - communism, capitalism is quite different and elders in Lithuania have no clue how people at my age should act.

The car I was saving money for when
I was considering becoming "Ken Block"
In reality, most of the people my age are university graduates (another communism fashion - university is a must, no matter what you study) and they still live with parents or rent flats with same destined people. I will write about it later.

When I was graduating from school, I was considering whether to study or not, because economy was booming (2007-2008) and someone with no education might get decent pay, enough to live comfortably. I was having a dream of constructing my own race car and winning amateur races, until someone notices my talent (hey! I am not a wise one, remember?!). Turned out, that I have been enrolled to Business Managent in fourht biggest university in Lithuania (we have only 3 million people and about 15 university-level highschools). I chosen to study in english language (wise choice) and four years later I founded a company which bankrupted two months after establishment.(wise choice).
After that I came back to my university to work in careers office (karma is a bitch) and quit that job.
For last two months I work in huge US corporation, but lets leave that for later posts, I am tired of writing this already. 

There is still hope to succeed my short trade!
Today I smoked six cigarettes after four days of quitting cold turkey. Besides partially recognizing trend of EUR/USD writing this entry was the good thing of today.

Oh, and why are you reading this? Well, maybe you are living in Kansas or Philippines or Vancouver and you are tired of all things you get in media and want to read something unusual...

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